
Hardness: 61 / 2 -7
Common name for JADEITT and Nephritis

It was not until l863 discovered that jade was actually two different minerals, namely JADEITT and nephritis. The two minerals have much in common: appearance, fiber structure and almost the same hardness, qualities that made them suitable for both weapons, jewelry and other artifacts.Jade will be able to prevent and cure urinary tract and kidney ailments, and also protect pregnant women and facilitate their release.

… The most expensive, especially the transparent emerald green called Imperial jade. Usually jadeitt light green - translucent to opaque, but is also found in a variety of colors:

* Purple
* White
* Pink
* Brown
* BlackOrange
* Yellow

The main findings rather jadeitt is Burma.


... Is far more common than jadeitt. It varies in color from dark green to cream colored. The color may be uniform or be in the band or specks. Nephritis is usually opaque and often have black metallic inclusions. When polished, it a nice, shiny surface, but it does not have as high a gloss as jadeitt.


Jade can be improved (sometimes called "stabilized"). The three main methods, sometimes referred to as the ABC 

Treatment System: Type A jadeite has not been treated in any way except surface waxing. This type of jadeite, carat for carat the most expensive stone in the world, even more than diamond.) Type B treatment involves treating a promising, but weakly stained piece of jadeite to chemical bleaches and / or acids and impregnate it with a clear polymer resin. This results in a significant improvement of transparency and color of the material. Currently, infrared spectroscopy is the only test for the detection of polymer in jadeite. Type C jade has been artificially colored. The red color of Red jade can be enhanced by heat. The effects are somewhat uncontrollable and may result in a dull brown color. In any case, the opacity is usually lost. Type A treatment is the only improvement that is acceptable to professional collectors.